Research Publications
- Vigani G, Zocchi G, Bashir K, Katrin P and Briat J. Cellular iron homeostasis and metabolism in plant. Frontiers in Plant Science. 4:490. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00490 (2013).
- Bashir K, Ishimaru Y. Challenges and opportunities to regulate mineral transport in rice. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. 86, 12-22. DOI: (2022).
- Bashir K., Ahmad Z, Kobayashi T, Seki M, Naoko K. Nishizawa. Roles of subcellular metal homeostasis in crop improvement. Journal of Experimental Botany. 72(6)2083-2098. (2021). Corresponding Author
- Bashir K., Seki M, Naoko K. Nishizawa. The transport of essential micronutrients in rice. Molecular Breeding 39:168. DOI:10.1007/s11032-019-1077-1. (2019).
- Bashir K., Matsui A., Rasheed S., Seki M. Recent advances in the characterization of plant transcriptomes in response to drought, salinity, heat and cold stress. F1000Research, 8 (F1000 Faculty Rev):658. (2019).
- Bashir K, Rasheed S, Kobayashi T, Seki M, Nishizawa NK. Regulating subcellular metal homeostasis: The key to crop improvement. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7:1192. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01192 (2016).
- Bashir K, Nozoye T, Ishimaru Y, Nishizawa NK. Exploiting new tools for iron bio−fortification of rice. Biotechnology Advances. 31:1624-1633 DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2013.08.012 (2013).
- Vigani G, Zoochi, G, Bashir K, Philippar K, Briat JF. Signals from chloroplasts and mitochondria for iron homeostasis regulation. Trends in Plant Science. 18:(6)305-311. (2013).
- Bashir K, Takahashi R., Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. The road to micronutrient biofortification of rice: Progress and prospects. Frontiers in Plant Science. 4:15 DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00015 (2013).
- Takahashi R., Bashir K, Ishimaru Y, Nishizawa NK, Nakanishi H. The role of heavy metal ATPases, HMAs, in zinc and cadmium transport in rice. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 7:1799-1801. DOI: 10.4161/psb.22454 (2012).
- Ishimaru Y, Bashir K, Nishizawa NK. Zn uptake and translocation in rice plants. Rice. 4:21-27. DOI:10.1007/s12284-011-9061-3 (2011).
- Bashir K, Ishimaru Y., Nishizawa NK. Iron uptake and loading into rice grains. Rice. 3:122-130. DOI:10.1007/s12284-010-9042-y (2010).
- Bashir K, Khan NM, Rasheed S, and Salim M. Indica rice varietal development in Pakistan: an overview. Paddy & Water Environment. 5:73-81. (2007).
- Hayashi K, Kato N, Bashir K, Nomoto H, Misuzu N, Chini A, Takahashi S., Saito H, Watanabe R, Takaoka Y, Tanaka M, Nagano A, Seki M, Solano R, Ueda M. Subtype-selective agonists of plant hormone co-receptor COI1-JAZs identified from the stereoisomers of coronatine. Communications Biology. (2023) 6:320.
- Bashir K, Todaka D, Rasheed S, Matsui A, Ahmad Z, Sako K, Utsumi Y, Thu AV, Tanaka M, Takahashi S, Ishida J, Tsuboi Y, Watanabe S, Ando E, Shin KC, Seito M, Motegi H, Sato M, Li R, Kikuchi S, Fujita M, Kusano M, Kobayashi M, Habu Y, Nagano AJ, Kawaura K, Kikuchi J, Kazuki Saito, Hirai MY, Seo M, Shinozaki K, Kinoshita T, Seki M. Ethanol-mediated novel survival strategy against drought stress in plants. Plant and Cell Physiology. 63(9), 1181-1192. (2022). DOI: Rapid Paper & Editor’s Choice. Altmetric Score 480.
- Thu AV, Utsumi Y, Utsumi C, Tanaka M, Takahashi S, Todaka D, Kanno Y, Seo M, Ando E; Sako Kaori, Bashir K, Kinoshita T, Hoi P-X; Motoaki Seki. Ethanol treatment enhances drought stress avoidance in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Plant Molecular Biology. 110(3): 269-285. (2022). DOI:
- Matsui A, Todaka D, Tanaka M, Mizunashi K, Takahashi S, Sunaoshi Y, Tsuboi Y, Ishida J, Bashir K, Kikuchi J, Kusano M; Kobayashi M, Kawaura K, Motoaki Seki. Ethanol induces heat tolerance in plants by stimulating unfolded protein response. Plant Molecular Biology. 110(1) 131-145. (2022). DOI: 10.3390/plants9040505.
- Ahmad Z, Bashir K, Matsui, A, Tanaka M, Sasaki R, Oikawa A, Hirai M-Y, Chaomurilege, Zu Y, Kawai-Yamada M, Rashid B, Husnain T, Seki M. Overexpression of nicotinamidase 3 (NIC3) gene and the exogenous application of nicotinic acid (NA) enhance drought tolerance and increases biomass in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology 107(1), 63–84. DOI: (2021).
- Raza Q, Riaz A, Bashir K, Sabar M. Reproductive tissue-specific meta-QTLs and candidate genes for development of heat-tolerant rice cultivars. Plant Molecular Biology. 104(1), 97-112 DOI: 10.1007/s11103-020-01027-6. (2020).
- Ahmad, Z, Sadique, S. Sarwar, MB, Hassan, S, Rasheed S, Bashir K, Seki M, Husnain T, Rashid B. Transcriptomic analysis of root specific drought mediated response of G. arboreum and G. hirsutum. Biologia. 75: 627–636. DOI: 10.2478/s11756-019-00382-0. (2019).
- Raza Q, Riaz A, Sabar M, Atif R M, Bashir K. Meta-analysis of grain iron and zinc associated QTLs identified hotspot chromosomal regions and positional candidate genes for breeding biofortified rice. Plant Science. 7: (4): 560-572. DOI:10.1016/j.plantsci.2019.110214. (2019). Corresponding Author.
- Takaoka Y, Iwahashi M, Chini A, Saito H, Ishimaru Y, Egoshi S, Kato N, Tanaka M, Bashir K, Seki M, Solano R, Ueda M. A rationally designed JAZ subtype-selective agonist of jasmonate perception. Nature Communications. 9-3654. DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-06135-y. (2018).
- Rasheed S, Bashir K, Kim J-M, Ando M, Seki M. The modulation of acetic acid pathway genes in Arabidopsis improves survival under drought stress. Scientific Reports. 8:7831. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-26103-2. (2018). Equal Contribution.
- Kim J-M, To T, Matsui A, Tanoi K, Kobayashi N, Matsuda F, Habu Y, Ogawa D, Sakamoto T, Matsunaga S, Bashir K, Rasheed S, Ando M, Takeda H, Kawaura K, Kusano M, Fukushima A, Endo T, Kuromori T, Ishida J, Morosawa T, Tanaka M, Torii C, Takebayashi Y, Sakakibara H, Ogihara Y, Saito K, Shinozaki K, Devoto A, Seki M. Acetate-mediated novel survival strategy against drought in plants. Nature Plants. 3(8):17097. DOI:10.1038/nplants. 2017.119. (2017).
- Bashir K, Nozoye T, Nagasaka S, Rasheed S, Miyauchi N, Seki M, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. Paralogs and mutants show that one DMA synthase functions in Fe homeostasis in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68: (7): 1785-1795, DOI:10.1093/jxb/erx065. (2017).
- Rasheed S, Bashir K, Nakaminami K, Hanada K, Matsui A, Seki M. Drought stress differentially regulates the expression of small open reading frames (sORFs) in Arabidopsis roots and shoots. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 11:8, e1215792. DOI: 10.1080/15592324.2016.1215792. (2016).
- Rasheed S, Bashir K, Matsui A, Tanaka M, Seki M. Transcriptomic analysis of soil-grown Arabidopsis thaliana roots and shoots in response to a drought stress. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7, 180. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00180 (2016).
- Vigani G, Bashir K, Ishimaru Y, Lehmann, M, Casiraghi MF, Nakanishi H, Seki M, Geigenberger P, Zocchi G, Nishizawa NK. Knocking down Mitochondrial Iron Transporter (MIT) reprograms primary and secondary metabolism in rice plants. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67(5):1357-1368. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erv531 (2016). Equal contribution. Corresponding Author.
- Akhtar S, Kakei Y, Bashir K, Shahzad A, Yamakawa T, Arshad M, Hassan FU, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. Characterizing the expression of genes involved in iron transport in Pakistani peanut varieties under iron deficiency response. Turkish Journal of Botany. 39:996-1007 DOI: 10.3906/bot-1503-49 (2015).
- Bashir K, Ishimaru Y, Itai RN, Senoura T, Takahashi M, An G, Oikawa T, Ueda M, Sato A, Uozumi N, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. Iron deficiency regulated OsOPT7 is essential for iron homeostasis in rice. Plant Molecular Biology. 88:165-176. (2015).
- Bashir K, Hanada K, Shimizu M, Seki M, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. Transcriptomic analysis of rice in response to iron deficiency and excess. Rice.7:18, Doi:10.1186/s12284-014-0018-1 (2014).
- Takahashi R., Ishimaru Y, Shimo H, Bashir K, Senoura T, Sugimoto K, Ono K, Suzui N, Kawachi S, Ishii S, Yin YG, Fujimaki S, Yano M., Nishizawa NK. Nakanishi H. From laboratory to field: OsNRAMP5-knockdown rice is a promising candidate for Cd phytoremediation in paddy fields. PLOS ONE. 9(6): e98816. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098816 (2014).
- Nozoye T, Nagasaka S, Bashir K, Takahashi M, Kobayashi T, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. Rice nicotianamine synthase localizes to particular vesicles for proper function. Plant Signaling and Behavior. 9:e28660, DOI: 10.4161/psb.28660 (2014).
- Nozoye T, Nagasaka S, Bashir K, Takahashi M, Kobayashi T, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa, NK. Nicotianamine synthase 2 localizes to the vesicles of iron-deficient rice roots, and its mutation in the YXXφ or LL motif causes the disruption of vesicle formation or movement in rice. The Plant Journal. 77(2):246-260. DOI:10.1111/tpj.12383. (2014).
- Bashir K, Takahashi R, Akhtar S, Ishimaru Y, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. The knockdown of OsVIT2 and MIT affects iron localization in rice seed. Rice. 6:31; DOI:10.1186/1939-8433-6-31 (2013).
- Bashir K, Ishimaru Y, Nishizawa NK. Molecular mechanisms of zinc uptake and translocation in rice. Plant and soil. 361:189-201. DOI 10.1007/s11104-012-1240-5. (2012)
- Motofumi S, Bashir K, Inoue H, Takahashi M, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. Accumulation of starch in Zn-deficient rice. Rice 5:9 DOI:10.1186/1939-8433-5-9 (2012).
- Ishimaru Y, Takahashi R, Bashir K, Shimo H, Senoura T, Sugimoto K, Ono K, Yano M, Ishikawa S, Arao T, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. Characterizing the role of rice NRAMP5 in Manganese, Iron and Cadmium Transport. Scientific Reports. 2:286. DOI: 10.1038/srep00286. (2012).
- Ishimaru Y, Bashir K, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. OsNRAMP5, a major player for constitutive iron and manganese uptake in rice. Plant Signaling & Behavior.7(7) 763-766. (2012).
- Bashir K, Ishimaru Y, Shimo H, Kakei Y., Senoura T, Takanashi R, Sato Y, Sato Y, Uozumi N, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. Rice phenolics efflux transporter 2 (PEZ2) plays an important role in solubilizing apoplasmic iron. Soil Science & Plant Nutrition. 57(6):803-812. (2011).
- Ishimaru Y., Bashir K., Nakanishi, H., Nishizawa NK. The role of rice phenolics efflux transporter in solubilizing apoplasmic iron. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 6(10): 1624-1626. (2011).
- Bashir K., Ishimaru Y., Nishizawa NK. Identification and characterization of the major mitochondrial Fe transporter in rice. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 6(10): 1591-1593. (2011).
- Ishimaru Y, Kakei Y, Shimo H., Bashir K., Sato Y, Sato Y, Uozumi N, Nakanishi H, and Nishizawa NK. A Rice phenolic efflux transporter is essential for solubilizing precipitated apoplasmic iron in the plant stele. Journal of Biological Chemistry.286:24649-24655. (2011).
- Bashir K, Ishimaru Y, Shimo H, Nagasaka S, Fujimoto M, Takanashi H, Tsutsumi N, An G, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. The rice Mitochondrial iron transporter is essential for plant growth. Nature Communications. 2:322. DOI:10.1038/ncomms1326. (2011).
- Ishimaru Y, Masuda, H., Bashir K, Inoue H, Tsukamoto, T, Takahashi M, Nakanishi, H., Aoki, N., Hirose, T., Ohsugi, R. Nishizawa NK. Rice metal-nicotianamine transporter, OsYSL2, is required for long distance transport of iron and manganese. The Plant Journal. 62(3):379-90. (2010).
- Nagasaka S, Takahashi M, Itai RN, Kobayshi T, Bashir K, Nakanishi H, Mori S, Nishizawa NK. Time course analysis of gene expression over 24 hours in Fe-deficient barley roots. Plant Molecular Biology. 69:621–631. (2009).
- Ishimaru, Y., Bashir K, Fujimoto, M., An G, Itai RN, Tsutsumi N, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK. Rice specific mitochondrial iron regulated gene (MIR) plays an important role in iron homeostasis. Molecular Plant. 2:1059-1066. (2009). Equal contribution.
- Bashir K, Nagasaka S, Itai RN, Kobayshi T, Takahashi M, Nakanishi H, Mori S, Nishizawa NK. Expression and enzyme activity of glutathione reductase is upregulated by Fe-deficiency in graminaceous plants. Plant Molecular Biology. 65:277-284. (2007).
- Ishimaru Y, Masuda H, Suzuki M, Bashir K, Takahashi M, Nakanishi H, Mori S, and Nishizawa, NK. Overexpression of the OsZIP4 zinc transporter confers disarrangement of zinc distribution in rice plants. Journal of Experimental Botany. 58:2909-2915. (2007).
- Rahman M, Rashid H, Shahid AA, Bashir K, Husnain T, Riazuddin S. Insect resistance and bio-safety studies of advanced generations of indica basmati rice (B-370) expressing two genes of Bacillus thuringiensis. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. 10 (2): 240-251. (2007).
- Bashir K, Inoue H, Nagasaka S, Takahashi M, Nakanishi H, Mori S, Nishizawa NK. Cloning and characterization of deoxymugineic acid synthase genes from graminaceous plants. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281: 32395-32402. (2006).
- Bashir K, Nishizawa NK. Deoxymugineic Acid Synthase; A gene important for Fe-Acquisition and homeostasis. Plant Signaling and Behavior. 1(6): 290-292. (2006).
- Riaz N, Husnain T, Fatima T, Makhdoom R, Bashir K, Masson L, Altosaar I and S. Riazuddin. Effect of two Bt insecticidal genes for development of sustainable resistance in Basmati rice. South African Journal of Botany. (72(2): 217-223. (2006).
- Rafique M, Fatima T, Husnain T, Bashir K, Khan NM, and Riazzudin S. Regeneration and transformation of an elite inbred line of maize (Zea mays L.), with a gene from Bacillus thuringiensis. South African Journal of Botany. 72(3): 460-466. (2006).
- Bashir K, Husnain T, Fatima T, Riaz N, Makhdoom R, Riazzudin S. Novel indica basmati line (B-370) expressing two unrelated Bacillus thuringiensis genes is highly resistant to two lepidopterans in the field. Crop Protection. 24(10):870-879. (2005).
- Rasheed S, Fatima T, Husnain T, Bashir K, and Riazuddin S. RAPD characterization of somaclonal variation in indica basmati rice. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 37(2):249-262. (2005).
- Rafique M, Fatima T, Husnain T, Bashir K, and S. Riazzudin. Effect of different media on callus formation and regeneration of different genotypes of maize (Zea mays L.). Plant Tissue Culture. 15(1): 57-65. (2005).
- Bashir K, Husnain T, Fatima T, Latif Z, Mehdi SA, Riazzudin S. Field evaluation and risk assessment of transgenic Indica basmati rice. Molecular Breeding. 13:301-312. (2004).
- Bashir K, Husnain T, Riazzudin S. Response of transgenic rice expressing two Bt genes to non-target insects. International Rice Research Notes. 29(2):15-16. (2004).
- Bashir K, Rafique M, Fatima T, Husnain T, Riazzudin S. Hygromycin based selection of transformants in a local inbred line of Zea mays. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science. 7(3): 318-323. (2004).